Further is a small group of dedicated like-minded people creating something that is ‘further’.

There are three elements to Further:

1. The Race

2. The Happening // Rally // Festival

3. The Journal


Further Race

It's in and around the French Department of the Ariege 09. From the plains in the north to the mountains in the south that border Andorra and Spain. The Further Race is one loop that will take 3 to 4 days, maybe less for the winner. There is an outline of the route, but the details will be explored this spring and detail given then. There will be some free routing and some parcour. Hike-a-bike will happen.

There will be no women’s race, just one race. Women and men race on an equal footing.

The race will play with borders, departmental and national.

This first race year is by invitation and we’re looking for ten women and ten men. We have that many people in mind. It’s all about diaries at this point.

Further Happening

The race is a loop, which has a race HQ.

There will be music, art. 

Day rides will be organised for those expressing interest but equally, the bar will be
open all day.

The Ariege can still be very hot in late August, early September. The timing of the Further race and event has taken into consideration the racing calendar, the weather, the school holidays and importantly, the ‘chasse’ (hunting season) which recommences the weekend of the 7/8 September. People will ‘Rally’ on this HQ and not just for the race. We want you to come to hangout with fellow like minded people.
At the HQ will be a festival. A meeting place for the Adventure Cycling community. A celebration of all things bicycle and all that surrounds it. There is camping, boar on spits, music and art... we are even thinking of Grass track racing.

We would like the Grateful Dead to play!

Further Journal

A magazine / quarterly that looks at and talks about exploration and adventure. Further Journal is for the thinking cyclist and non cyclist. Funding will primarily come from the Race and Festival. Further Journal will have minimal advertising. Further will be in print and will not be subject to metrics. The editorial line is pushing the boundary of what a cycling publication is.

Further Journal, ...should you put it in the cycling section of your bookshelf,
or the art section?


We are creating a call to action.
We want you to get involved.
We are looking to work with people and are reaching out to ask people to say hello
Join us on the new frontier in adventure cycling.

April 23, 2019 — Ollie Gray
Tags: Our Stories