When Ryan Le Garrec came to us with his vision to produce a film that truly gets under the skin of ultra racing and what it means to those taking part, we were in from the start. We spoke to Josh, who confirmed Ryan is the real deal, and the two spent some time together at BikingMan Oman. The result? The trailer for what we think will grow to be a pivotal documentary.

According to the filmmakers: "Elephant is a film on Ultra Distance cycling currently in production. The film aims to inspire people to push their limits, tries to understand why people need such crazy ways to escape and show the beauty of that very escape from modern times.

This film is still looking for partners and productions but can already count on the help of The Biking Man race Organisation, Hunt Bike Wheels and the abnegation of its makers Ryan Le Garrec and Lander Deldime, ultra film makers!"

Elephant Teaser from ryan le garrec on Vimeo.

April 09, 2019 — Ollie Gray
Tags: Our Stories